Larger heating bill, fewer units

Fewer measuring units have been registered for the property, yet everyone’s heating bill has increased. Why is that?

Reply: There can be severeal reasons for this. The most common is that the heating cost has not fallen correspondingly, which may be due to operational causes. If the supply temperature of the radiator water is turned up, the pipe heat loss to the surroundings will increase. The individual resident does not need to turn the radiator as high as usual and when the radiator is turned on a smaller part of it heats up as heat is more quickly emitted to the surroundings. As a result, fewer units are registered on the heat cost allocators, but the property’s total heating cost will be the same size (or maybe increases). The unit cost also increases.

Get your heating plant checked. It may be due to a fault, for instance a defective outdoor temperature sensor or valve. 

Read more about the principle behind allocation accounts here.



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