
Brunata sees positive bottom line after successful turnaround

Brunata is now reaping the benefits of a focused and intense turnaround and generational handover. Lead by new chairman of the board and shareholder Eva Fischer Hansen, the Danish-owned and international family business has managed to transform last year’s estimated deficit of DKK 20 million into a DKK 16 million profit. This is evident from the company’s annual report that has just been released.

Brunata, which assists housing associations and residents in apartments with exact measurements and allocations of energy consumption, have presented the largest profit in the company’s history following a turnaround and successful generational handover. As such, the first part of Brunata’s 2020 plan has been implemented with success, and the company is now fully geared for international growth:

“It has been hard but also exciting work for the board, management and employees. During the sort of turnaround and generational handover that Brunata has been through, the board has to work closer with the day-to-day operations than usual. But our sparring with management has been both positive and constructive, which is also reflected in the annual report we’re releasing today. I’m very pleased that Brunata is now back on such excellent course that we can normalise working relations between the board and management. With an experienced board, Keld Forchhammer as a new and strong CEO, and a skilled team of employees, we are well prepared for the next chapter of Brunata’s story”, says Eva Fischer Hansen, chairman of the board at Brunata.

All sails set for international expansion
It is an experienced Brunata man and former general manager of the company that last week took over the position as CEO. He is tasked with increasing growth in the lucrative European market following Brunata’s massive investments in new radiator gauges and outsourcing of gauge production to the Danish partner BB Electronic A/S:

“Brunata has an increasing focus on profitable international growth with the new green EU directive as a tool for gaining access to strategic key markets such as France, Italy and Spain. We hold strong cards in our hand with our market-leading measurement technology. And by outsourcing the entire gauge production, we have geared our capacity for considerable increase in production with our expected growth. Brunata at the same time maintains Danish jobs – but still at competitive production prices. And last but not least, we are all passionate about continuing working with what has always been Brunata’s motivating value: to promote sustainable behaviour in society”, says Keld Forchhammer, CEO at Brunata.

The board and new management are currently working full throttle to fine-tune the next chapter of Brunata’s 2020 plan, which is expected to be ready in the fall.


Press release

The leading Danish daily business newspaper Børsen has also written articles about Brunata's positive results under the headlines of "Brunata has reversed double-digit deficit in a year" and "The family-owned company Brunata increases professionalism and generates considerable profits".




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