
Brunata is preparing for international growth

A new EU directive (EED) gives Brunata a significant potential for international growth. To be prepared, changes are made in the Danish cleantech company with almost 100 years of tradition of delivering metering, billing and fair distribution of consumption costs in housing.

This growth potential will be fully realized through a succession process where family control is maintained while the management and development of Brunata is strengthened.

During the past two years, the operating organization has been strengthened and now the Board of Directors has been as well – with three new external recruited members.

New members of Board of Directors are Fei Chen, Innovation Platform Director at Grundfos Holding A/S, Keld Sørensen, CEO of COWI A/S and Michael Brock, business consultant with a number of leading positions in clean- and medtech companies.

"Brunata is a company with a proven solution to make the world more sustainable. With fair metering Brunata offers the insight that empowers individual consumers to be more aware of their use of water and energy and act more responsibly," says Fei Chen.

"With Brunata technology and solutions, sustainability is not just talk, but also common sense and good business. I would like to develop the company and bring those solutions further, and still keeping all the good things in Brunata's culture and values,"says Fei Chen.

The choice of new board members is a natural continuation of a process the Fischer-family set in motion two years ago. Until then, Brunata was primarily led by the family. Approach was mainly technical, focusing on the company's unique consumption meter.

Two years ago, Michael Staal was appointed new CEO and adding a longer-term, service-oriented focus to the company approach:

"My task was to transform Brunata from a passionate and competent, product-oriented company to a service company with customer focus," says Michael Staal.

"Together with the owners and management team, we have terminated activities, that were not part of the core business, and changed the organisational. Moreover, we have recruited a number of new leaders, who will help to strengthen and qualify the organization, "says Michael Staal.

The new EU directive will open all EU markets in the next four years for metering water and heating consumption in housing, thus increasing the demand for Brunata solutions.

"That is why the organisation must be able to scale the business and take advantage of the international potential. We are on the way. And with the election of new internationally oriented board members the owners are showing that they are prepared to develop the company further in that direction," says Michael Staal.

Eva Fischer Hansen is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and, together with her family she is also shareholder in Brunata. She explains that the family wants to retain control of the company but at the same time ensure that Brunata has the most qualified people in all key positions:

"In the family, we know what we want. Our mission is to ensure fair distribution of consumption expenditure, to the largest possible number of people, by offering the world's most precise metering and billing methods for water and heat. We also want Brunata to be a good and interesting working place. We want to make the company more profitable and we want it to be able to attract the necessary capital for future growth and development abroad," says Eva Fischer Hansen.


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