
Brunata gets a new CEO

Mr. Keld Forchhammer is the new CEO of Brunata. Former CEO Mr. David Friisholm seeks new challenges after five years at the Danish-owned international family business - includ-ing the past two years as CEO.

Mr Friisholm announces that it has been a pleasure to work with the organization and that a united Brunata have been very supportive and constructive towards the big changes which has been necessary to turn around the company.

Brunata is now successfully passed on to the next generation and is well positioned on a solid platform ready for further international growth. The Executive Board is convinced that Mr Forchhammer is the right person to bring Brunata into the future, says Eva Fischer Hansen, Chairman of the Boards of Directors Mr

Forchhammer is an experienced Brunata-man and former General Manager of the company. The task is to get growth in the lucrative European markets after a great investment in new heat cost allocators and outsourcing of production.

In good cooperation Mr Friisholm and the Executive Board have led Brunata’s change-process. We wish to thank Mr Friisholm for his valuable contribution and congratulate him with his new challenge. Simultaneously we look forward to the coming years with Mr Forchhammer as CEO.




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