
Brunata and world VIPs was celebrating sustainable solutions

Brunata was a proud partner when chairman of the IPCC , Rajendra Pachauri , along with a number of ambitious companies, organizations and celebrities gathered in Copenhagen to celebrate some of the best sustainable solutions at the Sustainia Award show on 7 November 2013.

"It is a privilege to be in the company of international and visionary companies who are committed to work for a better, healthier and wealthier world through sustainable products and solutions," says CEO Michael Staal from Brunata International a/s – the reason for Brunata to be sector partner in Sustainia.

The Danish Royal Theatre was the setting when Sustainia, ahead of COP19 in Poland, brought together global key persons to this year’s Sustainia Award Ceremony to present solutions to the world's climate challenges.

Ten green solutions was competing for the international Sustainia Award. The jury found the winner among more than 500 projects, representing 79 different countries.

Sustainia Comunity Award 2013 was granted to Liter of light

Sustaina Award 2013 was granted to Takadu

The jury members was former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, EU Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard, former prime minister and WHO Director Gro Harlem Brundtland and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN climate panel (IPCC ).

The Danish Royal Theatre was occupied by international artists, entrepreneurs, politicians and thousands of Danes when the Sustainia Award winner is presented. Rajendra Pachauri was participating in the Sustainia Award and presenting the latest results from UN reports on climate change.

The Danish - Icelandic artist, Olafur Eliasson, was creating a green piece of art during the evening along with the up to 1,000 guests.

The American hip-hop legend, STIC, who is passionate about sustainability, was giving musical performances during the evening.

About Brunata and Sustainia


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