On 4 October 2012, the 27 EU member states signed an agreement about binding energy savings in the EU in the form of an Energy Efficiency Directive.


According to the Directive, all EU member states shall introduce individual measuring of the  consumption of both district heating and cooling, electricity, natural gas and hot water at the end users no later than 31 December 2016.


New meters must be capable of showing the consumers’ actual consumption on a daily basis with a history dating back two years. Denmark and the other EU countries has some 18 months to translate the Directive into national legislation. We can therefore expect legislation to be changed with effect from mid 2014.

As a clean-tech company within measurement of natural  resources, Brunata welcomes the new EU Directive. It strengthens the focus on measuring and visualisation of consumption, which is precisely what Brunata does. From empirical data we know that the end users reduce their consumption by 10-40 per cent when they know how much they are using and what it costs. This is of course very beneficial for the environment.

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