Brunata's history

Brunata is a Danish family-owned cleantech company with nearly 100 years of experience providing consumption's metering and billing for the housing sector. The company's mission is to provide fair distribution of the costs of water and heat to most people, based on accurate measurements of the individual consumption.


1917 - The first evaporation meter
As far back as 1917, the first heat cost allocators in the world was assembled in Denmark. The meters were based on thermoelectric measurement princip introduced through the company Kemp & Lauritzen. These meters were serviced by Brunata until 2014.


1935 - Mass production of heat cost allocators
By 1920 a German magazine published an article about a heat cost allocator, where consumption was recorded as evaporation from a liquid-filled ampoule, mounted on the radiator. The Danish engineer Constantin Brun saw the opportunity to share the costs of heating in an accurate and fair way using this meter. In 1935 he founded the engineering firm Constantin Brun in order to develope this measuring method. In 1939 the company was formed as a limited company (A/S) and linked with the production of heat cost allocators to radiators and the development of heat metering systems for central heating systems.


1950 - Constantin Brun a/s looking abroad
In 1950 Constantin Brun a/s began cooperation with the Swiss company Ata. The brand Brunata was registered as a contraction of the two names: The Danish BRUN and Swiss ATA became BRUNATA. Constantin Brun a/s delivered Brunata meters, and Ata established contact for customers in Europe. Throughout the 50s and 60s Constantin Brun a/s included collaboration with licensing partners in several European countries and especially in Germany. Constantin Brun a/s supplied meters from Denmark and licensed partners installed and serviced meters under license.


1976 - Part of Kosan Group
In 1976, Constantin Brun a/s was acquired by Kosan Group and continued the business under the name Kosan Brunata a/s.


1990 - Family-owned company once more
In January 1990, Kosan Brunata a/s was acquired by engineer Jens Peter Fischer Hansen and renamed Brunata a/s. He is still the majority shareholder in the company, and his adult children are shareholders in the Brunata today.


New companies in Europe
Since the nineties Brunata has established subsidiaries, partnerships and sales through a number of agents mainly in Europe. Today Brunata has its own sales companies in Scandinavia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. In addition, the company is represent through partners in six countries.


See company profile

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